Art Adams provides an overview of the Video Devices PIX series of video recorders at NAB2015. https://vimeo.com/161048659 Learn more about the PIX series at videodevices.com.
Art Adams provides an overview of the Video Devices PIX series of video recorders at NAB2015. https://vimeo.com/161048659 Learn more about the PIX series at videodevices.com.
2014 is the year I acquired an agent, and just in time: I’m awful at negotiating. I hate the process and the games. I’d rather just get on with the work. Now it’s out of my hands, but I have a few tricks I can pass on if you’re interested… I’m still not quite sure how I acquired an agent.…
It shouldn’t be possible, but I tried it and it works. But why? A while back I was chatting with a local DP, who also happens to own a nearby rental house, and the subject of the Sony FS7 came up. I told him I was pretty excited as it came with Sony’s LC709 Type A “Alexa emulation” LUT built…
Since the beginning of film, cinematographers have sought to assign their own speed ratings to film. The same is now true of video cameras. I don’t know how manufacturers do it, but here’s how I do it… Mostly I employ witchcraft. It really does feel like that sometimes. There’s no objective method that I know of that allows me to…
Does a camera’s ISO setting actually represent reality? Maybe. Here’s a way to test it using a gray card and a calibrated light meter… It’s important to see if a camera’s ISO is actually what the manufacturer says it is. I’m not talking about taste in noise, but whether the camera and a calibrated meter will actually agree. This is…
Ever wonder why cameras with the same ISO can look so different? Yeah, me too. There’s no easy answer as to why. When I started out as a young camera assistant I remember working on a low budget feature film that shot on Fuji film stock to save money. (Fuji was popular partially due to its look, which tended to…
I’ve always wanted to test a camera’s dynamic range by beautifully lighting a room using one punchy light placed outside a window. I finally got my chance. When RED released the Epic with HDR I eagerly sat through their “Red Dragon” promotional NAB screening, waiting for an amazing image that would show me how this technology would forever change my…
A famous DP once told me, “Never say no.” I suspect this is the best possible way to have a glorious career, but I don’t think it’s always appropriate. Here’s what I do… Directors are applied psychologists. They have to communicate a vision to a wide assortment of diverse craftspeople and get actors to perform in just the right way…
The FS7 is an amazing camera for the price, but sometimes I wish that I could pay a little more and get the camera I really want. Here’s what I discovered while using it on a recent shoot… One of my regular clients likes shooting with Canon C300s: they’re small, cheap and great for doc-style shooting, which is what we…
I’ve now seen “Interstellar” projected digitally in a multiplex as well as in 70mm OmniMax. They were very different experiences. Here’s what I noticed… It’s a weird thing to sit in a theater and think, “This may be the last time I see film projected like this.” Adam Wilt said this very thing as we sat together in the San…