Rather than bloviate, I’ll just fling the pertinent slides at you:

In the scrum, visibility can be… challenging.

4K Varicam held aloft to critical acclaim (or at least a photographer’s feeding frenzy).

Big news #1: The Varicams will record ProRes as well as AVC-Ultra… if only in HD.

Big news #2: Codex will offer a dockable raw recorder: 4K at up to 120fps.

Codex’s Rainer Hercher cradles a Codex-equipped 4K Varicam.
Interestingly, the GH4 wasn’t discussed. It appeared unheralded on a single slide, but wasn’t a topic of discussion, though it’s on the booth.
Disclosure: There is no material relation between me and Panasonic, and I received no special considerations or compensation from them for posting this article.